Saturday, January 6, 2007

Chickens and bluejays 2

David's news about what he saw on CNN the other day (see previous post) opened up an interesting discussion. The following is his perspective. (I was typing madly while he was talking. You can't misquote David without getting into trouble for it!) His words:

"The media makes it (asperger's) look like something bad -- like something that you need to be cured of. I think they do that because it makes them look good -- they think so, anyway. If the media says someone is "afflicted" and "suffering" and stuff like that, then they think they're being all compassionate just for noticing."

Yeah, Dave, I get it. They've done their good deed for the day. They've paid attention to someone who is to be pitied... They've used the words "afflicted" and "suffering". That must show how "good" they are...

"The bad part," he continued, " is that most people adopt that viewpoint, because all they know is what they see on TV; they don't actually know anyone who has asperger's. "

David grew up hearing all the "lies", but he didn't believe them. Thank God.

He has a pretty healthy view of who he is; what his strengths and what his challenges are. He doesn't think there is anything "wrong" with him. He's never succumbed to the lies to the contrary which have been thrown at him all his life -- from the media, the school system, his peers in the schoolyard. I wondered how he's been able to do that and he reminded me of how we used to tell him about "the chickens and the bluejays", which I hope will be the subject of my next post...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me in on your well kept secret. I look forward to reading more. The nice thing about the internet is you can remain unknown, makes it easier to be humble (which as we all know it's hard to do!)

Anonymous said...

You've got me thinking, girl. Tell ya what I think. I think David is the bluejay and we're the chickens.
Granny B.