Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Gotta Be Me 3

I'm coming back folks. Thank you to those of you who have encouraged me both by your comments and in person. I have quietly cherished every word, whether or not I've quite known how to respond to you directly.

God has been teaching me a LOT this week about being "me". But it's not quite gelled into something that's in "sharing" form.

Stay tuned, though. Chapter 3 is on it's way.

Meanwhile, I'd love to hear what you have to say about "being me". Feel free...

Blessings to all of you!


Belinda said...

Well, I for one look forward to what you have to say! One of the joys of life for me is sharing the journey with others and sharing the joy of their self discovery as well as my own.

Dave Hingsburger said...

Being me ... taking on a big subject ... and an often painful one. I grew up in an atmosphere that communicated to me relentlessly that I wasn't good enough, I was a constant disappointment, ugly, fat, stupid, clumbsy. Somehow, though, I knew that there was something in me that was worthy of care. But I put it in a box, buried it, hid it in the corner of my heart where harsh words couldn't touch it. I daren't look at it, take it out, I feared it would be snatched away. Years later, in safety, I'd look at the little box in the corner of my heart and fear it a little. What was in there - what had I protected so vigourously as a child? Honestly, I've never opened it - I think I fear it empty.

Lily said...

Dear Dave,
I think you're mistaken! You may think you've hidden that box away and that it's never been opened, but I don't think it quite works that way. :)

You see, the truest beauty can't really be contained. You might think you've hidden it away, but actally you're leaking -all over the place. And those of us who have caught a glimpse can see the unmistakable glow of purest gold. Chickens can't maybe see it (who'd want them to?), but the bluejays and cardinals and goldfinches and meadowlarks in your life sure can.

Your honesty, your vulnerability blows me away, you know. Your courage gives me courage to look with greater honesty at my own deepest wounds.

THANK YOU for your comments… S.