Friday, January 5, 2007

It Matters What I Say...

"There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18

Yesterday the world was a pretty bleak place. Did you notice? Not only me, but everyone around me was miserable. I haven't seen -- or heard -- so much negativity or had more things to be depressed about in a long, long time.

Now today, was different. What a positive place! Everyone else was happy and positive too... the very same problems weren't the setbacks they were yesterday. Today they were potential adventures -- challenges to be overcome! Today, positivity (is that a word?) reigned!

I would have thought that those words from the 12th Psalm were talking about two different people. Well, if they are, I'm thinking that they're both "me".

Self-talk is such a powerful thing... I think a lot sometimes about how much the words of others can hurt me, forgetting that my negative words to myself can do more damage than anyone on the other side of my skin. And likewise, with "the tongue of the wise" I can speak healing into my own heart. The amazing thing is, my attitude toward myself affects my view of others and colours how I see them too.

Is that where it starts?. Can I only be as kind and loving to others as I am to myself first?

Onward and upward...

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